Web Component
The @responsive-image/wc
package provides a standard browser-native web component, that you can use with any framework supporting web component, or none at all.
This package is implemented using Lit, and while you can use Lit as well to build your app with web components, this is not a requirement at all! You can use it with any framework supporting web components, or none at all.
In your application's directory:
npm install @responsive-image/wc
yarn add @responsive-image/wc
pnpm add @responsive-image/wc
Image component
The addon provides a <responsive-image>
web component for rendering the set of images, taking local images or remote images as the src
property. Please refer to the main image component guide for all details and supported arguments!
To make the image component available to the browser by registering as a custom element, you need to add a side-effect import:
import '@responsive-image/wc';
As the src
input is an ImageData
object, you cannot pass this as an HTML attribute. Web components only support string based attributes. So make sure to set it as a property using JavaScript. In case of Lit, you would use the dot prefix notation for property expressions: html`<responsive-image .src=${image} ></responsive-image>\`
To style the <img>
element which is within the web component's Shadow DOM, you can use the ::part(img) selector:
responsive-image::part(img) {
box-shadow: 3px 3px 5px gray;
Local images
To process local images you will need to setup one of the build plugins depending on your app's setup.
Remote images
The @responsibe-image/cdn
package provides multiple helper functions to support remote images served from different image CDNs for use with the <responsive-image/>
Please refer to the image CDN guide for details on all supported options and examples of the respective image CDN.